Nalane ea balaoli ba matšoao a sephethephethe

Nalane eamolaoli oa sephethephethes e qalile mathoasong a lekholo la bo20 la lilemo ha ho ne ho e-na le tlhokahalo e hlakileng ea mokhoa o hlophisitsoeng le o sebetsang oa ho laola phallo ea sephethephethe. Ha palo ea likoloi tseleng e ntse e eketseha, ho joalo le ka tlhokahalo ea litsamaiso tse ka laolang ho tsamaea ha likoloi ka katleho mateanong a litsela.

Nalane ea balaoli ba matšoao a sephethephethe

Balaoli ba pele ba matšoao a sephethephethe e ne e le lisebelisoa tse bonolo tsa mochini tse sebelisang letoto la likere le li-levers ho laola nako ea matšoao a sephethephethe. Balaoli bana ba pele ba ne ba sebelisoa ka letsoho ke balaoli ba sephethephethe, ba neng ba tla fetola letšoao ho tloha bofubelu ho ea ho botala ho latela phallo ea sephethephethe. Le hoja tsamaiso ena e le mohato o lebisang tseleng e nepahetseng, ha e na mefokolo ea eona. Bakeng sa e 'ngoe, e itšetlehile haholo ka kahlolo ea liofisiri tsa sephethephethe, tse ka etsang liphoso kapa tsa susumetsoa ke mabaka a ka ntle. Ho feta moo, tsamaiso ha e khone ho ikamahanya le liphetoho tsa phallo ea sephethephethe letsatsi lohle.

Ka 1920, molaoli oa pele oa sephethephethe o ikemetseng o ile oa ntlafatsoa ka katleho United States. Phetolelo ena ea pele e sebelisitse letoto la li-timers tsa electromechanical ho laola nako ea matšoao a sephethephethe. Le hoja e le ntlafatso e kholo holim'a tsamaiso ea matsoho, e ntse e haelloa ke bokhoni ba eona ba ho ikamahanya le maemo a fetohang a sephethephethe. E bile feela ka bo-1950 moo ho qapiloeng lilaoli tsa pele tse ikamahanyang le maemo tsa sephethephethe. Balaoli bana ba sebelisa li-sensor ho bona boteng ba likoloi mateanong a litsela le ho fetola nako ea matšoao a sephethephethe ho latela. Sena se etsa hore sistimi e be matla le ho arabela haholoanyane 'me e ka ikamahanya hantle le sephethephethe se feto-fetohang.

Balaoli ba matšoao a sephethephethe a thehiloeng ho Microprocessor ba hlahile lilemong tsa bo-1970, ba ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea sistimi le ho feta. Balaoli bana ba khona ho sebetsana le ho sekaseka data ea mateano a litsela ka nako ea sebele, e leng ho lumellang hore ho be le tsamaiso e nepahetseng le e sebetsang ea phallo ea sephethephethe. Ho phaella moo, ba khona ho buisana le balaoli ba bang sebakeng seo ho hokahanya nako ea matšoao a sephethephethe haufi le phasejeng.

Lilemong tsa morao tjena, tsoelo-pele ea theknoloji e 'nile ea tsoela pele ho matlafatsa bokhoni ba balaoli ba matšoao a sephethephethe. Ho hlaha ha metse e bohlale le Inthanete ea Lintho li khothalelitse nts'etsopele ea balaoli ba matšoao a marang-rang a marang-rang a khonang ho buisana le lisebelisoa le mekhoa e meng e bohlale. Sena se bula menyetla e mecha ea ho ntlafatsa phallo ea sephethephethe le ho fokotsa tšubuhlellano, joalo ka ho sebelisa lintlha tse tsoang likoloing tse hokahantsoeng ho ntlafatsa nako ea matšoao.

Kajeno, balaoli ba matšoao a sephethephethe ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea mekhoa ea kajeno ea tsamaiso ea sephethephethe. Li thusa ho boloka likoloi li tsamaea mateanong a litsela 'me li phetha karolo ea bohlokoa ho ntlafatsa polokeho, ho fokotsa tšubuhlellano le ho fokotsa tšilafalo ea moea. Ha litoropo li ntse li tsoela pele ho hola le ho ba metseng ea litoropo, bohlokoa ba ho laola mats'oao a sephethephethe hantle bo tla tsoela pele ho hola.

Ka bokhutšoanyane, nalane ea balaoli ba matšoao a sephethephethe ke e 'ngoe ea boqapi le ntlafatso e sa feleng. Ho tloha ho lisebelisoa tse bonolo tsa mochini mathoasong a lekholo la bo20 la lilemo ho ea ho balaoli ba kajeno ba hokahaneng, phetoho ea balaoli ba matšoao a sephethephethe e tsamaisitsoe ke tlhoko ea taolo e sireletsehileng le e sebetsang ea sephethephethe. Ha thekenoloji e ntse e tsoela pele ho fetoha, re lebelletse tsoelo-pele e eketsehileng ho lilaoli tsa matšoao a sephethephethe tse tla thusa ho theha litoropo tse bohlale le tse tšoarellang nakong e tlang.

Haeba o thahasella mabone a sephethephethe, amohela ho ikopanya le mofani oa thepa ea taolo ea sephethephethe Qixiang hobala haholoanyane.

Nako ea poso: Feb-23-2024